Gjalt x Feitse
Congrats to Rebecca from Virginia on the purchase of Bravour! Bravour is a showstopper and we wish them well in the dressage arena!
Bene 476 x Tamme 276
2014 2e colt and keuring champion
Tobias is the first foal we have sold as breeders and we couldn't be happier he went to the wonderful home of our dear friends, Dale and Becky. Plus, he's still in Ohio and we get to see him excel in the show ring!
Armani x Bizkit
2020 Barock Pinto mare
Congrats to Thea from California on this stunning mare!
Bene 476 x Tamme 276
2015 1e colt and keuring Grand Champion
Huge congrats to Dale and Becky from Ohio! So fulfilling to have two of our best colts and full brothers (Tobias and Zeno) go live with our dear friends!
2007 Jasper 366 x Tsjerk 328 Gelding
Willem is by the one and ONLY Jasper 366, a living legend in the friesian world! Huge congrats to Erin from PA on this amazing gelding! Can't wait to see them in the dressage arena together!
2023 Colt (Teun 505 x Jesse 435)
Congrats to the Leon family in KY on this fabulous colt!
2022 Colt (Nane 492 x Jesse 435)
Congrats to the Calderon family in CA on this fabulous colt!
2015 Mare x Uldrik 457
Congrats to the Crowe family in New York!
2017 Ster Mare (Bene x Fetse)
Congrats to Aaron and family in Ohio!
2024 filly (Omer 493 x Doaitsen 420)
Congrats to Ivan and family in Ohio!
2024 colt (Izaak BP Ster 83 x Tsjalle 454)
Congrats to Chris and family in CT!
2021 Gelding (Thorben 466 x Tsjerk 328)
Congrats to Lynne and Roger and family in TX!
2024 filly (Omer 493 x Bene 476)
Congrats to Lynne and Roger and family in TX!
Gabriella von de Lis
Congrats to Sarah from PA on her beautiful mare Gabbi!!! Can't wait to see them develop together as a team!
Vorn M.F.F. (Doaitsen 420 x Beart 441)
This amazing mannered stallion has such a future ahead of him! Wishing Mike and Ruth from Ohio the best of luck with this beautiful stallion out of a Kroon mare!!!
Ivonne M.F.F. (Fridse 423 x Lolke 371)
This special Reserve Grand Champion keuring filly is now owned by Jim and Karen of Indiana. This is their 2nd purchase from Miley Friesians. I can't wait to see this pretty girl blossom!
I can't wait to see how this boy and Lilith from N. Carolina do tougher in the natural horsemanship world!
Allure BSF (Mintse 384 x Erik 351)
Congrats to Dale and Becky from Ohio on this special mare! Can't wait to see her in the show ring and producing fancy babies for their breeding program!
Prov Crown mare x Jesse 435
Congrats to Mr Butler from New York!
Congrats to Jennifer on this amazing Wybren x Lolke boy!
Bugatti MFF (Julius 486 x Tamme 276)
Congrats to Terry from WIsconsin on this special STER gelding! Can't wait to see him in the show ring!
Epke x Leffert
So what do you do when you kick cancer? You buy your first friesian! Congrats Sylvia from Indiana on this stellar mare!
Tsjalle 454 x Tsjerk 428
Congrats to Giovanni from New York on the fabulous Wauw!
Julius x Tamme
Congrats to the new owners of Ellie! She resides now in Texas!
Tsjalle 454 x Andries 415
Congrats to the new owners of Ulysses ! Lizeth and family welcome their second Miley Friesian stallion to their family!
x Pier
Congrats to the new owners of Dacia! She has the best home with Dale and Becky!
Julius 486 x Sipke 450
Congrats to the new owner from Texas
Tsjalle 454 x Jesse 435
Congrats to the new owners Heather and Eric from Tennessee
Allard BP21 x Bizkit
Congrats to the new owner Mike from California
Hessel 480 x Tamme 278
Congrats to the new owners Heather and Eric from Tennessee
Tsjalle 454 Sport Elite Pref AAA x Uldrik 457
Congrats to the new owner Sally from PA!
Tsjalle 454 Sport Elite Pref AAA x Jasper 366!
Congrats to the Hall family from Virginia!
Izaak x Uldrik 457
Congrats to Mike and family from California!
Tsjalle 454 x Alwin 469
Congrats to Lizeth and family from Virginia!
Tjaarda 483 x Tamme 276
Congrats to Dr Amy and family from Virginia!
Congrats to Shawn and family from Michigan!
Congrats to Stephanie from Texas!